Project 2025 would gut veteran benefits and services

Why Project 2025 is a Shameful Tragedy for Veterans

Brian Reese


As a VA disability expert, I have dedicated years to helping veterans navigate the complex process of obtaining their well-deserved benefits. However, with the introduction of Project 2025, I am sounding the alarm bells: this proposal is a ticking time bomb for veterans’ rights and benefits. It’s a shameful tragedy for those who served our country. Read the full impact and proposed changes of Project 2025 here.

“Project 2025 is a direct assault on the well-being of our nation’s veterans. Under the guise of reform, this proposal seeks to gut essential VA disability benefits, leaving countless veterans without the support they’ve rightfully earned. By slashing the list of eligible conditions and pushing harmful automation, Project 2025 not only threatens to deny vital benefits but also risks increasing veteran homelessness and compromising access to critical healthcare services. It’s a shameful betrayal of those who’ve sacrificed so much for our country, and we must stand united to oppose it.” — Brian Reese

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Project 2025 masquerades as a “reform” effort, promising to streamline and modernize the VA. But don’t be fooled — its true intentions are far more sinister. By gutting the system and slashing benefits, Project 2025 will leave veterans out in the cold, exacerbating existing issues and creating new ones. Read the proposed changes to the VA here.

The Assault on Disability Benefits

One of the most egregious aspects of Project 2025 is its attack on disability benefits. The proposal seeks to reduce the number of medical conditions eligible for compensation, effectively denying benefits to those who need them most. This is a slap in the face to veterans who have sacrificed their health and wellbeing in the service of our country. Instead of cutting, we should be expanding VA disability benefits and broadening the list of eligible conditions to ensure that our nation’s heroes receive the benefits and support they deserve.

The Automation Trap

Project 2025’s push for automation will only exacerbate the problem. By relying on algorithms to determine benefits, the VA will perpetuate existing biases and errors, leading to even more denied claims and delayed benefits. I am highly skeptical that the VA will develop the right technology to help veterans get their rightfully earned benefits. Automation could increase denial rates and burden veterans with heavier administrative tasks, causing unnecessary stress and hardship.

The Medicaid Time Bomb

The proposal’s Medicaid funding caps will decimate veterans’ access to healthcare. With states forced to restrict eligibility and services, veterans will be left without the critical care they need. This is particularly concerning, as 1 in 10 service members rely on Medicaid for healthcare coverage, with 2 in 5 relying exclusively. Capping Medicaid payments will have devastating consequences for veterans’ health and wellbeing.

The Veteran Homelessness Epidemic

By ending the successful Housing First strategy, Project 2025 will condemn thousands of veterans to the streets. This is an outrage and a betrayal of our nation’s promise to care for and support those who’ve served. The Supportive Housing program has helped 81,400 veterans access rental housing, and Congress has allocated funds to help 35,000 remaining homeless veterans. Project 2025 will undo this progress and put veterans at risk of homelessness.

The Consumer Protection Con

Abolishing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will leave veterans vulnerable to financial predators. Without this critical safeguard, veterans will be easy prey for scammers and fraudsters. The CFPB has received over 400,000 complaints from service members since 2011 and has recovered $183 million for service members and veterans in 42 enforcement actions.

The Key Takeaway

Project 2025 is a disaster waiting to happen. I have seen firsthand the devastating impact of benefit cuts and bureaucratic red tape. This proposal will only worsen the situation, leaving veterans to suffer the consequences. It’s time for veterans, advocates, and concerned citizens to stand together against Project 2025 and demand that our elected officials reject this harmful proposal and prioritize the needs of those who’ve served our nation. The future of our veterans’ benefits hangs in the balance — let’s fight to protect it.

About the Author

Brian Reese fights to protect and expand Veterans Benefits

Brian Reese is a leading VA disability benefits expert and the #1 bestselling author of VA Claim Secrets and You Deserve It. Frustrated with the VA claim process, Brian founded VA Claims Insider to help disabled veterans win their VA disability compensation faster. He has served over 10 million military members and veterans since 2013. A former Air Force officer, Brian deployed to Afghanistan in 2011. He is a Distinguished Graduate from the U.S. Air Force Academy and holds an MBA from Oklahoma State University, where he was a National Honor Scholar.



Brian Reese

I help Veterans get the VA disability rating % and compensation $ they deserve.