VA Claims Insider Reviews

Is VA Claims Insider a SCAM? — The Truth Revealed…

Brian Reese
9 min readJan 21, 2021


Dear Future Veteran Client,

You’re here because you want the TRUTH.

You want to know definitively if VA Claims Insider is a Scam…

And, unfortunately, the world we live in today makes it nearly impossible to actually know what’s real and what isn’t.

You see, there are some former employees and former contractors of ours leaving “FAKE” negative reviews called “VA Claims Insider Is a Scam” across Google, YouTube, Better Business Bureau, and other fake sites and forums like Reddit.

Look, I’m not even mad about it.

We live in a free country and if these former teammates want to waste their time spreading rumors and lies about me instead of building a real brand and business, well, okay.

“But I tell you, LOVE your enemies and PRAY for those who persecute you. In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.”Matthew 5:44–45

“I’m choosing to LOVE our HATERS, because the only thing that will root out the hate is more love.” — Brian Reese

I learned a long time ago that, “You will never be criticized by someone doing more than you. You will be criticized by someone doing less.”

Think about it for a second…

Do you think Elon Musk or Bill Gates are going to create a YouTube video or send me an email that says, “Brian you suck, and I think you’re a scam.”


They’re out doing things more amazing than me.

They’re out trying to build amazing companies and non-profits that can change the world.

That’s what winners do.

That’s what WE do every single day.

So, what is the real aim of these bad actors attempting to spread scam stories and false allegations about Brian Reese and VA Claims Insider?

Well, they’re hoping you’ll watch their videos, and buy their stuff so they get more advertising dollars…that’s the brutal truth.

VA Claims Insider is Definitely NOT a Scam

Okay, so now that we know VA Claims Insider is NOT a Scam, where’s the proof, Brian?

What do real Veteran Clients say about Brian Reese and VA Claims Insider?

Is VA Claims Insider Legit?

Over 600,000 active duty, veterans, and spouses read our material every month to learn how to get the VA benefits they deserve for their service to our country, including our Blog, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

​We’ve served over 25,000 veterans in our #1 rated VA Claims Insider Elite program, and we’ve got big plans to continue bringing you the best of the best products/services to help you live Happier, Healthier, and Wealthier.

  • VA Claims Insider is a veteran owned and operated company. OF Veterans. BY Veterans. FOR Veterans.
  • 25,000+ disabled veterans served in our membership programs since 2016.
  • Currently employs 196 teammates; comprised of 64 veterans and 14 military spouses.
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB) accredited.
  • 4.7/5.0 average rating out of 4,500+ total reviews. 4,000+ 5-star reviews. 92% of all reviews are 4 or 5 star.

Here’s some recent VA Claims Insider Elite Reviews:

VA Claims Insider Elite Review

You’ll find that on real sites, like VA Claims Insider Google Reviews & Testimonials and VA Claims Insider BBB, you will find 3,500+ 5-Star reviews from actual Veteran Clients who have had their lives changed forever by the VA Claims Insider movement.

These Veteran Clients GOT the VA rating and compensation they deserve as a direct result of the VA Claims Insider Elite program.

Does VA Claims Insider Work?

Here’s a snapshot of some REAL VA Claims Insider Reviews:

Hear What Real Clients Are Saying About VA Claims Insider…

My coach guided me through the whole process and provided valuable tips for me so that my claim was streamlined and complete by the time I needed to submit all of my documents to the VA. The process took a little longer due to COVID-19 but the results was worth the wait. Through the help of VA Claims Insider and my coach I was able to increase my previous 10% disability to now 60% disability.

— Allan Garcia, Cpl-USMC

To be able to [have] received what we deserve is a right, not a privileges. Brian Reese and his team of VA Claims Insider understand the process, and take us to the right percent with honesty, integrity and compassion. During this Pandemic his help was a blessing that I will always be grateful [for].

— Pedro Jusino

Very helpful on understanding the correct way to submit a claim. They have great resources to make it smooth. Everyone that works with their network cares for all soldiers. I felt like they were actually listening to what I had going on, and truly cared what has happened.

— Jessie Galbraith

VACI’s knowledge-base and access to resources is immense. I waited for many years to file for a number of reasons . . . but when I decided to file . . . I wanted the straightest line possible. VACI proved to be a considerable asset. Like any worthwhile endeavor expect to put time and effort into your claim. They don’t do it for you. However, with them as your partner…you are more likely to prevail, possibly get a higher rating, avoid costly mistakes and cross the finish-line faster.

— Dennis Macleod

There aren’t enough adjectives to describe their service and attention to detail. Veterans please use VA Claims Insider as much as you can to get what we all deserve!

— Jose Suarez

Without your assistance I do not feel I could have carried the fight. Thanks to everyone for the excellent service, assistance and for being there and caring enough to help. VA Insiders gets Six Stars out of five and Team Strong gets AAA++ rating from me.

— James Wichowski

Well it is not very often that you can say you got exactly what was promised. I was skeptical at first and as time went on the experience was nothing short of amazing. We are a community of veterans helping veterans, finally a place where we can lift each other and get the help we need to get what we deserve under the law. Others over promise and under deliver, not here fellow vets.

— Basilio Santiago

I am not getting any younger, and the pain, discomfort, and the ability to have a normal life have been diminishing. I found it hard to sleep, get out of bed, and just deal with the daily grind. My family life deteriorated, I felt abandoned. A friend of my recommended VA Claims Insider to help me put together my paperwork to get my disability and associated issues re-evaluated for a second time. I did, and I never looked back. The team at VA Claims Insider help me put together a compelling case that was recently decided in my favor, increasing my rating from 40% to 80%.

— Aiman Zureikat

Going through the VA process is to say the least a daunting task. VA Claims Insider has put the system together that allowed me to put all of my needed forms and records in one accessible location, coached me through what exactly is needed to submit a successful claim. They have done the homework, honed the skills on how to get the claim going, making it easier for the VA to process the claim and make a decision. I filed on 8/27/2020 and had the decision on 9/22/2020. By myself it took over 5 years. Amazing process Brian, well done sir.

— Ron Wright

I started this process with little to no knowledge about the claims process. I had filed claims in the past with no success because I didn’t understand how it worked and exactly what was needed as far as credible and relevant evidence. Thanks to VACI, I now have a better understanding and more importantly I finally have the rating I deserve. I suffered for over 29 years and all the while under rated until now!

— Richard Latiolais

I am a Gulf War veteran. I have been battling with the VA for years. When I discovered VACI, I had a rating of 60%. Thanks to Brian Reese and his team, I am now at 100% P&T!!! Thanks to all the informational videos and training made available through VACI, I was able to receive this rating. Because of Brian Reese and his team of experts, I did not feel like I was alone. I knew I was working with fellow veterans that had my back.

— Merrick Sturdivant

I discharged from the Navy in 1966 after a two year term of honorable service. I loved the Navy as it was my ticket out of Galveston, Texas and a steady job. I joined at eighteen and discharged at twenty one. My intentions were to do twenty years. That didn’t happen. I left the Navy with hearing loss. I didn’t get rated for that until 2013. I actually didn’t know how to file a claim. I tried on my own with no proper documentation. . . . . I am pleased with the outcome of my association with VACI. Their work with me in the pursuit of the benefits that I deserve is incomparable. They helped me get to forty % in a relative short time.

— John Lovings

I joined VA Claims Insider rather skeptically. They over-delivered. The simplicity, professionalism, and help were all TOP NOTCH. Every question I had was answered, every suggestion given was followed with great results. Best part is, I was able to get 1 0n 1 coaching at the times convenient for me without the interminable hold times that the VA is known for. Fees were also communicated upfront with no hidden surprises.

— Patrick Calizaire

If you are a veteran and you feel that you need help filing for your disability claim, this is The Place you need to be. They give you the knowledge to understand your own conditions and how they can be service connected. They also help you to understand what forms need to be completed for what conditions. Don’t be like James and wait 27 years to file a disability claim. VACI will help you get what you deserve.

— James Armstrong

My dealings with the fine folks at VA Claims Insider have been nothing short of phenomenal. They’ve given me the chance to take what I’ve been feeling for so long and armed me with the correct language and processes for the VA to take my claims seriously. I’ve finally received the rating and follow-on medical care I deserve.

— Corey Staples

Was at 60% for kidney cancer from contaminated Camp Lejeune water. Signed up with VA Claims Insider. With the help of Terrell Murrell and the team at VA Claims Insider I’m now 90%. Thank you!

— Skip Shakely

VA Claims Insider Reviews

The other crazy part is, our actual Veteran Clients tried to leave positive reviews on these YouTube channels and fake sites and forums, and they were either not approved or deleted…

Listen, I get it, everyone has an incentive.

It’s the way the world works…

But to be clear, I don’t have an affiliate program, so the folks saying AWESOME things about me and VA Claims Insider don’t have anything to gain; they’re telling their stories of LIFE CHANGE because they want YOU to win your VA claim and get the VA rating and compensation you DESERVE, too.

The one’s saying negative things, DO have something to gain…

They’re trying to drive traffic to their products and services.

I hope you found this page helpful, and whatever you decide, we wish you the very best.


Brian Reese

P.S. If you’re ready to get the VA rating you deserve, check out the VA Claims Insider Elite Program HERE and start FREE.



Brian Reese

I help Veterans get the VA disability rating % and compensation $ they deserve.